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Happy Days At The Queen’s Head

May 15, 2016
by the gentle author

As regular readers will know, there is a campaign underway to Save The Queen’s Head in Limehouse, which was declared as an Asset of Community Value this spring. Supporters have until the end of August to buy the pub from its current owners and prevent it falling into the hands of developers. Pledges can be made here. Today, I publish an interview by ‘The Returning Native’ with Tony Minehane, whose family kept the pub open through two world wars.

John Driscoll at The Queen’s Head, 1926

To the locals downing their pints at The Queen’s Head today, Tony Minehane is an unfamiliar face – but this grand old East End boozer on Limehouse’s verdant York Sq was once home for Tony, whose family ran the pub from 1926 until 1961.

“My father found this tucked away under the counter the day he left The Queens Head in 1961,” he said, placing an unopened bottle of Young’s Coronation Ale in my hand. “This may well be the only one in existence.”

As a schoolboy, Tony earned pocket money delivering bottles of gin and advocaat to a house of upmarket prostitutes on Cable St. “These girls used to drink in the saloon bar here and they’d take drink back with them,” he recalled.“But once a month, usually about midnight, they’d phone up and say, if Tony’s available, could he drop something down to us? So I’d jump on my bike and take it there.”

Tony’s grandfather, John Driscoll, was the first in the family to take charge behind the bar, securing the tenancy in 1926 after a career as a sailor in the merchant navy.

“At that time this place had more mice than it had customers,” Tony claimed, rifling through his folder stuffed with sepia photographs of the pub and documents he has gathered from his family’s history.

“Fortunately it had the beer, which was good.  My grandparents came in for a drink and the landlord said he was getting out. So my granddad thought, ‘Well, I’ll get in touch with the brewery.’”

In the early part of the twentieth century, it was not uncommon for former seaman to retire to run East End pubs, not least because there were so many of both dotted around London’s docks at the time. But Tony’s grandfather went to the front of the queue when he discovered an unlikely connection with the executive at Young’s brewery who was picking between the candidates.

“They were shown into this guy’s office, and my grandfather thought he recognised him, but didn’t say any more because he wasn’t sure. They talked about his career in the Merchant Navy and my grandfather mentioned that he worked on a ship called the ‘Omrah’, going backwards and forwards to Australia.

The guy said, ‘Do you remember anything a bit strange in such-and-such a year?’  My grandfather thought about it and said, ‘Oh, yes, we had a fire in the bunker that took two days to put it out and we had a stowaway that we dumped off in Sydney.’  The guy then said, ‘Well, I was the stowaway.’”

The pub was extended around the time that Tony’s father, James Minehane, agreed to take over as manager from his parents in 1938.

“At the time, this place was packed, but there was this great big yard out there at the back,” Tony explains. “My dad had this thing about going to Australia, and he said to the brewery, ‘Either you’ve got to make the pub bigger or I’m going to emigrate.’ So the brewery said, ‘Right, we’ll extend’.  The new bar opened about twelve weeks before the Second World War started.”

Although the smart frontage of The Queen’s Head is much as Tony remembers it from his childhood, some things have disappeared, like the pewter counter top that once ran the length of the bar. Tony’s father also used to keep a revolver under the bar, taking it with him for protection when he and a couple of other local landlords together the takings to the local Midland Bank each Friday morning by hand, carrying the silver and copper coins in large sacks with ‘money’ written on them.

“They used to go into the bank, dump it all on the counter, which at that time was just a four-foot-wide oak table. They would put the paying-in book in the sacks for the cashier to sort out, while they went off to a cafe and had breakfast.”

Tony has a detailed knowledge of the firearm since cleaning it was one of his weekly chores as a child, something – he admits – might lead to a call from Social Services today.

As the evening progressed we attract a large crowd of regulars to our table, eager to hear more about the pub’s colourful past. The carpets at The Queen’s Head might be a little more faded and the bar top a little less grand than in Tony’s youth, but the place still offers a warm welcome to both old and new East Enders and has a loyal cohort of local customers.

Their hope is that the story of The Queen’s Head will continue, but this is currently in doubt. In 2013, under former mayor Lutfur Rahman, Tower Hamlets council sold the pub’s 125-year lease to a charity called Unity Welfare Foundation. This organisation decided to sell off the venue after a group of locals this year successfully applied for the Queen’s Head to gain protections from redevelopment as an Asset of Community Value.

The challenge supporters now face is trying to raise more than £500,000, which will be needed to meet the asking price. Let us hope that this latest chapter in The Queen’s Head’s long history has a happy ending.

The Queen’s Head, 1926

Pub dogs in the yard, 1928

New Saloon Bar, 1939

Public Bar, 1939

James Minehane, landlord 1939-1961

The Queen’s Head Beano in the late forties with James Minehane second from left in front row

High jinks in the Saloon Bar in the fifties

Christmas party, c.1954

Customers in the Public Bar in the fifties

Darts in the Saloon Bar in the fifties

The Queen’s Head Beano in the fifties

James Minehane’s retirement in 1961

The Queen’s Head – photography by Sarah Ainslie

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Save The Queen’s Head

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9 Responses leave one →
  1. Robert Green permalink
    May 15, 2016

    I find it curious that Tower Hamlets Council somehow managed to find themselves in ownership of the lease for this pub in the first place but that aside, I have been doing some initial research into the Unity Welfare Association, I make no further comment on my findings hear but I recommend that anyone interested should spend some time doing their own resurch in order to gain a greater insite into the circumstances that have resulted in this pub finding itself in its current perilous situation.

  2. Greg Tingey permalink
    May 15, 2016

    In 2013, under former mayor Lutfur Rahman, Tower Hamlets council sold the pub’s 125-year lease to a charity called Unity Welfare Foundation.
    There’s your answer.
    The deal was obviously corrupt & “Ultra Vires”.
    Apply to the courts to get it overturned.

    Oh & “charity” should be in quotation marks, too, or labelled “so-called-charity” – work it out for your self.

  3. Brian Weaver permalink
    May 15, 2016

    Fantastic photographs, I can almost hear them laughing, it looks so familiar to the pictures I have seen of my father on his pub outings. Those faces are probably gone now from the east end but I won’t forget them.

  4. May 15, 2016

    Hope they manage to save the pub, shame that so many have disappeared. Valerie

  5. John Rowe permalink
    May 15, 2016

    Used to drink there in the 80s when we lived in the ‘compound’, two streets of prefabs, half owned by an artist’s housing association, the rest lived in by a bunch of bikers. It was known as the Young’s pub. Definitely worth saving.

  6. May 16, 2016

    Thanks again to the Gentle Author and sidekick the Returning Native for such a great article on our beloved Queens Head and of course to Tony for sharing his fantastic collection of photographs. We feel we have a real golden opportunity to protect the pub for future generations by putting it into the hands of a community group. Too many pubs have been developed into housing, supermarkets, and fried chicken shops. For the Queens Head, we are the last line of defence. Please lend your support now.

  7. May 20, 2016

    What an amazing history. Long live the Queens head!

  8. Rob Elias permalink
    June 1, 2016

    Fantastic to see all these pictures of the Queen’s Head from yesteryear. The spirit of the place remains and lives on in a new generation of Eastenders. Here’s hoping the pub will be around for hundreds more years.

  9. Matthew O'Leary permalink
    January 13, 2023

    Happily, the pub is soon to reopen under new management, and following a full refit. If you ever ventured to the Greenwich Pensioner in Poplar in recent times, it’s the same management so will be a belter, but with added handpull pumps! Thanks to the team leading this exciting project and bringing the old dear back to life again for the next generation.

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